Children’s Eye Exams in North York


Effective Eye Care For Your Child

Managing the eye health of your child is especially important in their developmental years. Unlike adults, children are less likely to speak up when they are experiencing problems with their vision.

By booking regular eye exams for your child, not only are you protecting them from immediate problems such as eye disease, you are instilling in them the value of their vision from a very early age, ensuring the quality of their eye health for years to come.

Your Child’s First Eye Exam

Your child is not born with all the capabilities to see and has to learn to use their vision, much like the way they learn to walk and talk. However, they are not always going to be able to communicate whenever they are having a problem with their vision.

Complete Family Eyecare recommends parents bring their child in for their first eye exam as early as 6 months. This allows you as the parent to have an understanding of where your child sits in terms of visual strengths and weaknesses. Depending on what the optometrist discovers during the exam, they will recommend you schedule follow-up appointments or adhere to a treatment plan.

Warning Signs

While your child might be unable to communicate their vision problems, there are ways for you to catch the warning signs before your child’s vision is permanently damaged.

Your child might be experiencing vision problems if they:

  • Are sensitive to light
  • Are experiencing excessive tearing
  • Have red eyes
  • Have difficulty reading or following movements
  • Sit close to the television or computer screen

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan

Citizens of Ontario are very fortunate when it comes to the health of their child’s eyes. If your child has a valid Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card, they will be covered for all eye exams and follow-up appointments until they are 19 years old.

It has never been easier to book your child’s eye exam, so schedule one today.

Visit Us in North York

We offer our optometry services in Chinese, Dari, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Urdu.

Our Address

206-2175 Sheppard Ave East
North York, ON M2J 1W8

Contact Information

Phone: 416-491-4844

Hours of Operations

9 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
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10 AM6 PM
10 AM3 PM

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